FlinkUARTInputStream |
Input Stream to read bytes from a UART interface.
FlinkUARTOutputStream |
Stream to write bytes to a UART interface.
HD44780U |
Driver for character display with 2 - 4 rows and 16 columns.
Display controller: HD44780U
Connected to flink gpios of the Zynq7000.
RN131 |
Driver for Roving RN-131C WiFly Module.
TCRT1000 |
Driver for up to 16 pulsed and multiplexed TCRT1000 or HLC1393 reflection distance
The driver needs 5 digital outputs and a single analog input of an AD7476.
Interrupt controlled driver for the UART0 or
the UART1 of the Zynq7000.
UARTInputStream |
Input Stream to read bytes from a UART interface.
UARTOutputStream |
Stream to write bytes to a UART interface.
VL53L0X |
Interrupt controlled driver for the VL53L0X TOF Sensor with
the SPI1 of the Zynq7000.
WatchdogTask |
Task which periodically resets a flink watchdog subdevice, @see org.deepjava.flink.subdevices.FlinkWatchdog.
Driver for the internal analog to digital converter XADC.