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BAR - Static variable in interface org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.Impc555
base - Variable in class org.deepjava.flink.interfaces.zynq.AXIInterface
base() - Method in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.driver.ffs.Rider
Returns file associated with this rider.
baseAddress - Variable in class org.deepjava.flink.core.FlinkSubDevice
BBCMCR - Static variable in interface org.deepjava.runtime.mpc5200.Impc5200
BBCMCR - Static variable in interface org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.Impc555
BIT(int, int) - Static method in class org.deepjava.unsafe.US
Read a bit at hardware address: return BIT(mem[address](byte), bitNr)
bitCount(int) - Static method in class java.lang.Integer
Counts the number of 1 bits in the specified integer; this is also referred to as population count.
bitCount(long) - Static method in class java.lang.Long
Counts the number of 1 bits in the specified long value; this is also referred to as population count.
bitsToDouble(long) - Static method in class org.deepjava.lowLevel.LL
Set double value directly from bits (64bit)
bitsToFloat(int) - Static method in class org.deepjava.lowLevel.LL
Set float value directly from bits (32bit)
blink(int) - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.iMX6.Kernel
Blinks LED on MPIOSM pin 15, nTimes with approx.
blink(int) - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.Kernel
Blinks a led on a hardware pin a specified number of times.
blink(int) - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc5200.Kernel
Blinks LED on GPIO_WKUP_7, nTimes with approx.
blink(int) - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.Kernel
Blinks LED on MPIOSM pin 15, nTimes with approx.
blink(int) - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.zynq7000.microzed.Kernel
Blinks LED on MIO47 pin, nTimes with approx.
blink(int) - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.zynq7000.zybo.Kernel
Blinks LED on MIO7 pin, nTimes with approx.
blinker - Static variable in class org.deepjava.runtime.zynq7000.microzed.demo.Blinker
blinker - Static variable in class org.deepjava.runtime.zynq7000.zybo.demo.Blinker
Blinker - Class in org.deepjava.runtime.zynq7000.microzed.demo
Blinker - Class in org.deepjava.runtime.zynq7000.zybo.demo
Blinker(int) - Constructor for class org.deepjava.runtime.zynq7000.microzed.demo.Blinker
Blinker(int) - Constructor for class org.deepjava.runtime.zynq7000.zybo.demo.Blinker
Blinker(int, int) - Constructor for class org.deepjava.runtime.zynq7000.microzed.demo.Blinker
Blinker(int, int) - Constructor for class org.deepjava.runtime.zynq7000.zybo.demo.Blinker
blocks - Variable in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.driver.ffs.File
blockSize - Static variable in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.driver.ffs.FFS
BlocksPerSector - Static variable in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.driver.ffs.FFS
BlueRS - Class in org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.driver
Driver for the Stollmann BlueRS+I Bluetooth Module.
The module supports one emulated serial connection using the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP).
BlueRS() - Constructor for class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.driver.BlueRS
BlueRSCmdInt - Class in org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.driver
Interface for the BlueRS driver to send and receive positive integer values.
BlueRSCmdInt() - Constructor for class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.driver.BlueRSCmdInt
BlueRSCmdIntDemo - Class in org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.demo
Simple application for demonstrating the usage of the BlueRSCmdInt driver with a Stollmann BlueRS+I module.
BlueRSCmdIntDemo() - Constructor for class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.demo.BlueRSCmdIntDemo
BlueRSDemo - Class in org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.demo
Demo Application for the BlueRS driver.
BlueRSDemo() - Constructor for class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.demo.BlueRSDemo
Boolean - Class in java.lang
The wrapper for the primitive type boolean.
Boolean(boolean) - Constructor for class java.lang.Boolean
Constructs a new Boolean with the specified primitive boolean value.
Boolean(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.Boolean
Constructs a new Boolean with its boolean value specified by string.
booleanValue() - Method in class java.lang.Boolean
Gets the primitive value of this boolean, either true or false.
boot - org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.driver.RN131.State
boot - org.deepjava.runtime.zynq7000.driver.RN131.State
BOOT_MODE - Static variable in interface org.deepjava.runtime.zynq7000.Izynq7000
BR0 - Static variable in interface org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.Impc555
BR1 - Static variable in interface org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.Impc555
BR2 - Static variable in interface org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.Impc555
BR3 - Static variable in interface org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.Impc555
BString - Class in java.lang
This is the base class for our optimized version of strings.
BString() - Constructor for class java.lang.BString
bt_bdlist() - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.demo.BlueRSDemo
Fragt die Resultate einer Inquiry ab (im AT-Mode).
bt_connect() - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.demo.BlueRSDemo
Verbindet zu einem Bluetooth-Gerät (im AT-Mode).
bt_disconnect() - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.demo.BlueRSDemo
Trennt eine bestehende Verbindung (im AT-Mode).
bt_getMode() - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.demo.BlueRSDemo
Gibt den bestehenden Mode auf das Log aus.
bt_getResult() - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.demo.BlueRSDemo
Gib das Resultat der letzten Operation auf das Log aus.
bt_inquiry() - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.demo.BlueRSDemo
Send the inquiry command to the modul (the module has to be in AT mode).
bt_reset() - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.demo.BlueRSDemo
Send the reset command module (the module has to be in AT mode).
bt_returnFromAtMode() - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.demo.BlueRSDemo
Wechselt vom AT-Mode in den Connection-Mode.
bt_switchToAtMode() - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.demo.BlueRSDemo
Wechselt vom Connection in den AT-Mode.
bufferEmpty - Static variable in class org.deepjava.runtime.mpc555.driver.BlueRSCmdInt
No received command to read.
busInterface - Variable in class org.deepjava.flink.core.FlinkSubDevice
buttonIn(int) - Static method in class org.deepjava.runtime.zynq7000.microzed.driver.RTBoard
The state of the two push buttons can be read.
Byte - Class in java.lang
The wrapper for the primitive type byte.
Byte(byte) - Constructor for class java.lang.Byte
Constructs a new Byte with the specified primitive byte value.
Byte(String) - Constructor for class java.lang.Byte
Constructs a new Byte from the specified string.
ByteArrayFifo - Class in org.deepjava.runtime.util
First in first out byte array queue.
ByteArrayFifo(int) - Constructor for class org.deepjava.runtime.util.ByteArrayFifo
Creates a new ByteArray with size entries.
ByteFifo - Class in org.deepjava.runtime.util
First in first out byte queue.
ByteFifo(int) - Constructor for class org.deepjava.runtime.util.ByteFifo
Creates a new ByteFifo with size entries.
ByteLiFo - Class in org.deepjava.runtime.util
Non thread-save last in first out byte queue.
ByteLiFo(int) - Constructor for class org.deepjava.runtime.util.ByteLiFo
Creates a new ByteLifo with size entries.
byteValue() - Method in class java.lang.Byte
Gets the primitive value of this byte.
byteValue() - Method in class java.lang.Double
byteValue() - Method in class java.lang.Float
byteValue() - Method in class java.lang.Integer
byteValue() - Method in class java.lang.Long
byteValue() - Method in class java.lang.Number
Returns this object's value as a byte.
byteValue() - Method in class java.lang.Short
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